Friday, January 3, 2014

Life as I See It Now...

It has been awhile since I have posted. Well let's just say things have changed. Life has had it's ups and downs. A new year has come and an old year is now considered the past. To me that's a little scary, but also very exciting. As a beginning of this new year, I have come up with the 14 yearly intentions...I don't like the word resolution, so I call them intentions. By this, I intent to do them and strive to do them the best I can.

14 intentions of 2014:

1. Finish school and make the best out of it.
          It's the last time that I will see some people who have been in my life the past four years, and I want to cherish every moment that I can.

2. Travel
       I started off 2014 in my favorite city, but I want to explore more of this vast country and world...even if it just a weekend trip to a close by city or day trip something that I can do and enjoy.

3. Volunteer
        I have slacked on this in the past, but I want to start volunteering and giving back to the community.

4.  Spend wisely
        Budget, Budget, Budget...enough said.

5.  Get in shape.
        Not necessarily lose weight but maintain the weight and gain muscle.

6.  Read More.
          I have always enjoyed reading, but I want to expand my library and read books that I have wanted to since I can remember.

7.  Enjoy the outdoors.
         I love being outside. However, I have noticed that I haven't been able to spend time outside as much as I would like to. So, I'm gonna explore some and just lay out some this year.

8.  Less time on phone
        Let's face, my phone is important to it is to many others. However, I want to cut back on the time I spend on it.

9. Quality Time
         Plain and simple... more quality time with those who are important in my life.

10. New Shows
          Once again pretty simple, expand the television shows that I watch. Don't stick with the same old same old type of programs. More dramas, more action, more History.

11. New movies
         Pretty much the same reasoning as the new shows.

12. Take more pictures
           I love love love pictures. I think that they capture a moment in time that one is able to revisit again and again.

13. Take more walks.
          Sometimes you just need to walk to enjoy the beauty of nature or to clear your it is good exercise.

And Finally,

14. Live life!
          Be more adventurous, go on an unplanned adventure, say yes to new things...within reason, just have fun!

Enjoy all that the New Year has to offer.

Til Next Time Remember,

"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."-Romans 12:2


Friday, July 20, 2012


The Dark Knight Rises. All people wanted to do was enjoy the movie. But, one man had another idea. Today, my heart and prayers go out to the family, friends of the victims, and of course to the victims of the shooting in Colorado. The question on everyone's mind today is what has the world come to? I just pray that the world will get better. But most of all I pray for everyone involved and who lost their life.

There are no other words to say.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He Loves You!

So today has been a whirlwind of emotions and ups and downs. For a minute, I didn't know what was going on or what was happening until it happened. I was lost and sad. However, I came across this post: The Bigger, Divine Picture (and Why We Have a Lot of Trouble Seeing it).

Okay! I needed this today. Come to think of it, I need this everyday. It might be easy to not see God's plan in a moment in time. But, one must know that God loves them and is always there. I'm not saying that I haven't had my share of times where I'm not sure if God is there, but as soon as I start to feel that way. Poof! Here comes a sign or a song or a message from a friend or something to remind me that God has a plan in store for me. His God's way of saying: "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that He is always there with us. As I mentioned, I have had my hard times, however I know if I trust God and pray to Him, not just about my problems, but also about my thankfulness and happiness and for others.

 Like I said, it can be hard sometimes. You just have to know that God is always there, and He is going to love you no matter what. He is there. He loves and cares about you.  All one has to do is take time to notice His little signs of love.

Til Next Time Remember,

"Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart's desire."~ Psalm 37:4
