Friday, July 20, 2012


The Dark Knight Rises. All people wanted to do was enjoy the movie. But, one man had another idea. Today, my heart and prayers go out to the family, friends of the victims, and of course to the victims of the shooting in Colorado. The question on everyone's mind today is what has the world come to? I just pray that the world will get better. But most of all I pray for everyone involved and who lost their life.

There are no other words to say.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

He Loves You!

So today has been a whirlwind of emotions and ups and downs. For a minute, I didn't know what was going on or what was happening until it happened. I was lost and sad. However, I came across this post: The Bigger, Divine Picture (and Why We Have a Lot of Trouble Seeing it).

Okay! I needed this today. Come to think of it, I need this everyday. It might be easy to not see God's plan in a moment in time. But, one must know that God loves them and is always there. I'm not saying that I haven't had my share of times where I'm not sure if God is there, but as soon as I start to feel that way. Poof! Here comes a sign or a song or a message from a friend or something to remind me that God has a plan in store for me. His God's way of saying: "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that He is always there with us. As I mentioned, I have had my hard times, however I know if I trust God and pray to Him, not just about my problems, but also about my thankfulness and happiness and for others.

 Like I said, it can be hard sometimes. You just have to know that God is always there, and He is going to love you no matter what. He is there. He loves and cares about you.  All one has to do is take time to notice His little signs of love.

Til Next Time Remember,

"Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart's desire."~ Psalm 37:4


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What to Wear? What to Wear?

So I am packing to go to Chicago for a couple of days, to visit my friends! Can you say fun? I love the city, and I got a great group of friends who I get to spend the couple of days with.  Okay, the main purpose of this post is not to say how amazing Chicago is (although could you blame me if I did write one?) Anywho, I'm writing this blog to talk about what to wear.

Now, nothing against the guys, but in today's society some guys...not saying all... tend to notice the body.   Girls we are almost as bad. There are times where people think a girl is only there for her body. And guys, don't deny that you don't notice the body of some girl walking around in a bikini top and booty shorts that barely even cover her butt? Plus, it does not help that in today's society there are industries like clothing, movies, television, video games, etc. where the product tends to show off the body of the woman.

Take a look at this article: Video Gaming and The Male Gaze

Like I said, it isn't only the video gaming industry. It can be found in movies, music, television, etc. Now, I dated a gamer. And not once did I believe that he only liked me for my body. So like I said not all guys.  But, I know that there are some guys that first look at a women's body.

However, as a Catholic woman, actually just as a woman, I tend to dress more modestly. Why you might ask? Check out this video:

Powerful Right? Who knew that even just a bit of skin can send guys wild? After watching this video, I took this advice more. I always thought I dressed modestly, and I have been thought that I have a cute style. But now when I go shopping and try on clothes, I take the advice from this video and think about how my brothers in Christ will think of me in the outfit. I make sure my butt isn't hanging out my pants or my boobs aren't hanging out of the shirt.

I am not the only girl who dresses like this, and I know that their are women out there who like showing off their body. Yes, I love to feel good and beautiful in my clothes, but I also like to be covered.  The whole point of  is the bringing of attention to how men might see you in the outfit of your choice. As I have heard before, how you dress, says something about who you are or who people think you are.

One last thing:
Confidence and a smile are the best accessory a women can wear. :) (It's true guys are attracted more to confidence)

Til Next Time Remember,

"Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God."~ 1 Peter 3:4


Monday, July 9, 2012


Well, when writing this post, I wasn't sure if I should make it happy or sad or meaningful or whatever. So I thought I would go a little on the funny side.

Humor has always been an outlet for me. One of the main things I look for in my friends or people to be around is how easily they can make me laugh. If they can make me 'giggle', as my friend might say, at my worst times, I know they are people I like and care about me. Well, I am talking about humor, but not really cracking any jokes in this post so far. I am not one for fact, I'm not that great at it at all, but I found this image and totally got it.


Speaking of I love pizza. The best is Chicago style hands down! I love my deep dish.
The best thin crust I have ever eaten is located in this grill in Bloomington, IL called Lucca Grill! It is awesome. The environment is very friendly. Anytime that I can, I go to Bloomington, just for this pizza. Check it out.:)

Well this post was semi-funny (I can do better but it's late). Not to mention I want pizza now!

Til Next Time Remember,

"Let your life be free from love of money but be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never forsake you or abandon you."


Life is a Roller Coaster

Well, this is the first post. A little background about can call me Rae. I am a student. Now at college, I have been able to grow and live my life. I am not saying that I am perfect. Nobody is perfect. Nobody including me. I have had my ups and my downs. One thing that I have learned is that with every up comes a down, and from every down, comes an up.

If there is one, thing that I have learned from my life is to not regret anything. I may not make the best choices or decisions in my life or agree with all of them, but I have learned that your choices make you who you are. They help you grow in life, and they help you realize who you can become and count on through your struggles.

I guess that is the main purpose of this blog. To examine life...all aspects. The good,the hysterical, the meaningful, the bad, the beautiful, the life-changing, the ugly, etc.. In addition,I'll throw in interesting sites, articles, photographs, etc. to help me reflect on issues or articles using experiences from my life or other interesting stories I have come across.

The title of this blog is "Love will find its way." Well, throughout the post, I will find the happiness in life whether in my experiences or others'. Life is a roller coaster, but one must enjoy the ride.

'Til Next Time, remember,

 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son."~ John 3:16
