Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What to Wear? What to Wear?

So I am packing to go to Chicago for a couple of days, to visit my friends! Can you say fun? I love the city, and I got a great group of friends who I get to spend the couple of days with.  Okay, the main purpose of this post is not to say how amazing Chicago is (although could you blame me if I did write one?) Anywho, I'm writing this blog to talk about what to wear.

Now, nothing against the guys, but in today's society some guys...not saying all... tend to notice the body.   Girls we are almost as bad. There are times where people think a girl is only there for her body. And guys, don't deny that you don't notice the body of some girl walking around in a bikini top and booty shorts that barely even cover her butt? Plus, it does not help that in today's society there are industries like clothing, movies, television, video games, etc. where the product tends to show off the body of the woman.

Take a look at this article: Video Gaming and The Male Gaze

Like I said, it isn't only the video gaming industry. It can be found in movies, music, television, etc. Now, I dated a gamer. And not once did I believe that he only liked me for my body. So like I said not all guys.  But, I know that there are some guys that first look at a women's body.

However, as a Catholic woman, actually just as a woman, I tend to dress more modestly. Why you might ask? Check out this video:

Powerful Right? Who knew that even just a bit of skin can send guys wild? After watching this video, I took this advice more. I always thought I dressed modestly, and I have been thought that I have a cute style. But now when I go shopping and try on clothes, I take the advice from this video and think about how my brothers in Christ will think of me in the outfit. I make sure my butt isn't hanging out my pants or my boobs aren't hanging out of the shirt.

I am not the only girl who dresses like this, and I know that their are women out there who like showing off their body. Yes, I love to feel good and beautiful in my clothes, but I also like to be covered.  The whole point of  is the bringing of attention to how men might see you in the outfit of your choice. As I have heard before, how you dress, says something about who you are or who people think you are.

One last thing:
Confidence and a smile are the best accessory a women can wear. :) (It's true guys are attracted more to confidence)

Til Next Time Remember,

"Your adornment should not be an external one: braiding the hair, wearing gold jewelry, or dressing in fine clothes, but rather the hidden character of the heart, expressed in the imperishable beauty of a gentle and calm disposition, which is precious in the sight of God."~ 1 Peter 3:4
