Monday, July 9, 2012

Life is a Roller Coaster

Well, this is the first post. A little background about can call me Rae. I am a student. Now at college, I have been able to grow and live my life. I am not saying that I am perfect. Nobody is perfect. Nobody including me. I have had my ups and my downs. One thing that I have learned is that with every up comes a down, and from every down, comes an up.

If there is one, thing that I have learned from my life is to not regret anything. I may not make the best choices or decisions in my life or agree with all of them, but I have learned that your choices make you who you are. They help you grow in life, and they help you realize who you can become and count on through your struggles.

I guess that is the main purpose of this blog. To examine life...all aspects. The good,the hysterical, the meaningful, the bad, the beautiful, the life-changing, the ugly, etc.. In addition,I'll throw in interesting sites, articles, photographs, etc. to help me reflect on issues or articles using experiences from my life or other interesting stories I have come across.

The title of this blog is "Love will find its way." Well, throughout the post, I will find the happiness in life whether in my experiences or others'. Life is a roller coaster, but one must enjoy the ride.

'Til Next Time, remember,

 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son."~ John 3:16
